Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Bush Doctrine . . .

. . . do you know what it is?

Liberal bloggers and talking heads are slobbering all over themselves because Sarah Palin apparently didn't know what it was.

The fact is that Charlie Gibson didn't either. He said it was "preemptive war." She said it was about eliminating global terrorism. It turns out that she WAS right, and Charlie was only 25% correct.

The so-called Bush Doctrine isn't an official document per-se, but an evolved policy for combatting global terrorisim. In fact, the term was first used by Charles Krauthammer, and consists of four parts:

1. If a country harbors terrorists, it will be treated as a terrorist.
2. The U.S. reserves the right to preemptive strikes to prevent terrorist acts.
3. Democracy around the world will be supported.
4. The U.S. reserves the right to unilateral action to prevent terrorist acts against its interests.

Not that logic matters, though.


Lisa said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. Believe it or not, I completely enjoy seeing what I am going to be hit with next! Keeps me on my toes.

I am concerned that Palin has the BS down to an art. You're right that Gibson was set to ambush, however, that is the deal when you might be running this country in the near future. There IS a reason why the media has had limited access.

It's an exciting election year, for sure.

Jack said...

I submit that on the BS version of the Safir-Simpson scale, Obama is running near a Cat 5.

For example, Barry has been dissing Sarah for her flip-flop on the ridiculous "bridge to nowhere."

At least, Palin eventually did the right thing. Do you know that both he and Biden continued to vote for it - even when given a chance to switch the funding to Katrina relief?