Saturday, February 16, 2008

Politically incorrect . . .

. . . courtesy of Penn Gillette

“Obama is just creaming Hillary. You know, all these primaries, you know. And Hillary says it’s not fair, because they’re being held in February, and February is Black History Month. And unfortunately for Hillary, there’s no White Bitch Month.”


gemmak said...

Excellent! Love it. ;o)

Anonymous said...

oh my... Did you decide who to vote for? I think Obama will win, not because I've actually taken sides, but because I see it happening.

Jack said...


You know me well enough :o) to know I'm a republican - but I'm a long ways from the Limbaugh/Hannity right.

My only choice is McCain. On most issues, he's more of a centrist.

Clinton bothers me because we don't need another dynasty. I didn't want a Bush dynasty either, but Gore or Kerry?

Obama is just too far left for me. He's charismatic and a great speaker, but his lack of experience scares me. He can talk the talk, but . . . .