Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Heather Mills . . .

. . . has a big check in the mail.

I am an engineer by education and trade, and I also have a major in math - which leads to this little analysis:


- Four years of marriage, or 208 weeks,
- For a man of Sir Paul's age, say twice per week (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more)
- A payout of $33,000,000

Then $33,000,000 / (208 x 2) = $79,326.92 per . . . well . . . you know.

Oh, calm down people! It's a joke. I'm not making ANY comment about Ms. Mills. I rather like her, and think the check should have been larger.


Punctuation said...

It's one of the horrible things of modern life that people like Mills and McCartney (who, when described like that sound like some kind of random British music hall stars from the 1920s heh) have every detail of their whole divorce laid out in the press in minute detail.

The judge insisted that his summing up and judgement was published and, quite frankly, the British Press have had a field day with it because it is utterly scathing about Heather Mills - I mean truly denigrating and withering in his comments about the style of her testimony and his opinion on the veracity of her evidence and what he terms greed. It's no wonder she wished it kept secret.

To be honest, when Heather Mills has appeared on TV over here she has so far seemed to me to be every so slightly deranged, and quite obviously so (most famously evidenced by one appalling interview where she was clearly attempting to gain sympathy in a very clumsy and inept crying fit; sickening and cringe-worthy to watch)....

...however, liar, greedy or otherwise - I still don't see what it had to do with the public interest for the details of her divorce settlement to be made public - after all it was not public money or anything was it?


Jack said...

I really don't disagree. It's just that we don't have the advantage of the daily insight of the British press here in the Colonies.

She was very gracious on "Dancing With the Stars, though.