Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spitzer-isms . . .

. . . or, comments on the downfall.

Notwithstanding Gemmak's thoughts on judgement, it's hard not to take a shot or two at the sheer arrogance and hypocracy of the ex-governor of New York.

“Hillary Clinton is now only the second-angriest wife in the state of New York” – Jay Leno

“It’s sad. Spitzer said there is so much he left undone: Amber, Ashley, Rhonda” – Letterman

“The governor-erect” – New York Post

“He thought Bill Clinton legalized this years ago” – Letterman

"Gov. Spitzer responded just a few hours ago. He said, quote, 'I violated my obligations to my family and I violated my sense of what is right and wrong.' Spitzer also admitted violating someone named Amber." - Conan O'Brien

"Do you know what the highest paid government position in this country is? Anybody know? ... It is working under New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. It pays like $5,000 an hour." - Jay Leno

"The really ironic thing about this case -- today, the hooker said Spitzer was done in a New York minute." - Jay Leno

Bill Clinton dropped by . . . just to exchange war . . . er . . . whore stories - Anon

When asked to resign, Spitzer said, "couldn't you just spank me instead?" - Anon

I can't wait for Saturday Night Live.

1 comment:

gemmak said...

Lol....I can't help but laugh ;o)