Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dooce . . .

. . . The blogger who became a transitive verb.

I've read her for years, and am impressed with her writing and photography skills. I particularly like her monthly letters to Leta.

However, sometimes Heather just needs to take a deep breath and contemplate her navel.

Anyone who has read my blog - both of you :o} - knows that my politics differ from hers. However, I hope I usually present logical reasons for my positions, and don't attack everyone who disagrees with me.


Lisa said...

There is no way that we are all going to agree. I could very well end up with signs for both Obama and McCain in my own front yard due to differences of opinion in my own household.

Jack said...

Wait! The last I checked, there was only one voter in your household.

You haven't been reading Sybil, have you? :o)

Anonymous said...

Found your blog through your very cogent and intelligent comment. Good job.