Friday, February 13, 2009

What I did today . . .

a. Juggled Excel spreadsheets all day at work until my eyes crossed. Why? Because the government funding for building maintenance and repair at the Naval base partially depends on my sharply honed analytical skills.

b. Tried to deal with our health insurance company because bills for routine tests run by our doctor are never properly coded. The lab then thinks we're not insured, and they bill us separately. Every time. They eventually fix it, but they still do it again. Every time.

c. Posted a recipe for sweet bread dough on Pinkjellybaby's blog because she's been jonesing for frosted buns.

d. Made four sleeves for a couple of reproduction shirts from the 1860's that I'm sewing from left-over fabric from my Civil War reenactment days. Why? Idle hands and all that. Really, though, I hated to see authentic loom-woven, hand dyed cloth go to waste, and I can probably sell them if I choose.

e. Rebuilt an AK-47 (the preferred weapon of your enemy, according to Clint Eastwood) with a new hammer, sear, trigger and gas piston. Why? Idle hands again, I guess. In any case it needed some work. Don't worry. It's not a machine gun. It's just a rifle that Mr. Clinton tried to ban because it looks nasty.
How about you?


Lisa said...

It does look nasty. I don't think the majority of us anti-gun liberals are really worried about YOU having a gun.

Jack said...


Thank you for not worrying about me. I believe you're justified, but it brings up some observations:

It seems like the majority of women are anti-gun. So are many city folks.

I'm wondering if it's the unfamiliarity with the whole shooting sports/hunting thing that we guys and small town folks have grown up with.

It appears to me that if something holds little interest for someone, and there is a even a hint of some possible danger, then it is easy for them to say "ban it." Why does anyone NEED an AK-47?

I don't smoke or drink (very much :o} ), so it wouldn't bother me at all if both were made illegal. Why does anyone NEED tobacco or liquor?

Except, our free society isn't built on what we NEED. True freedom is the ability to obtain what interests you or what you WANT (within certain limits), not what you NEED to survive. Otherwise, that argument could be extended to the size of our house, the type of car you drive, the amount of money you can make, etc.

No recrimination on your comment - just idle curiosity.