Saturday, April 10, 2010

The joy of moving . . .

. . . not!

We spent the last five days moving out of our house in preparation for our move to Italy. The schedule:

Monday - Packing all the "stuff" to be stored for three years.
Tuesday - Loading all the "stuff" to be stored for three years.
Wednesday - Packing all the "stuff" to be shipped overseas.
Thursday - Loading all of the "stuff" to be shipped overseas.
Thursday - Move to a hotel. Why? Because all of our "stuff" is gone.
Friday - Packing and loading all of the "stuff" to be shipped overseas by air.

Seems like a complicated process, eh?

That's because I'm a Department of Defense employee, and that's the way the Yew Ess Ay Gummint does it.

In an idle moment I counted our moves. This will be number fourteen.

One to go - about three years from now. That will be the last.

I hope . . .



When we moved from Omaha to Kansas City, we left one of our children there. Relax. She wasn't abandoned. We didn't sneak out in the middle of the night and leave no forwarding address. That had become her home.

When we moved from Kansas City to Virginia Beach, we left another child there. Same story. Same reasons.

The third child? After he saw us dropping off kids by the handful, he got the hint, and took off on his own.

Candidly, it's been a bit trying being 1,100 miles from all the children and grandchildren. Being 5,000+ miles away will be a challenge.

But what adventure doesn't involve some challenges?


Anonymous said...

Well, you see the thing is.... now you're moving to somewhere exciting to visit we're all coming over. :-)

Only kidding!

The one thing about America that I notice is how big the place is - Nebraska alone is almost bigger than the whole of England. This is therefore a common problem for many people; Universities have a tendency to make those considering fleeing the nest grow roots far from home.

Three years is no time at all - it's been seven months since I left the UK and it seems like only yesterday. We'll visit plus you get visits home and so on.

We will miss you though...

Lisa said...

Oh, I thought you were just trying to get as far away as possible. LMAO. :D

Italy sounds like a great adventure. I've been trying to talk Ian into moving to France for several months.

So far, no luck! :D

Brennig said...

Like the attitude. But personally, being 1,100 miles from my daughter is an absolute blessing. But we speak every day and see each other five times a year.

Christopher said...

5000 miles, 1100 miles, 500 miles......same difference. I miss you just as much.
