. . . is hitting where you aim.
Some time ago, I competed in a combat pistol league. It's like fox hunting, except there are no horses, no hounds, no foxes, no English gentlemen with horns, and all that's hunted is paper targets and steel plates.
OK, so it's not like fox hunting at all, but I had to divert the attention of our European friends who believe that pistols are the tools of the devil - or of crazy Americans who know no better.
Relax, folks.
They have shooting in the olympics.
I haven't done much shooting lately, but I decided to take a trip to the range this afternoon and see if I still had the eye. This target is the result after a bit of practice with an officers' model 1911 Colt semi-automatic pistol with 230 grain hardball rounds.
The drill was:
One magazine, rapid fire, center mass, with the last shot to the heart.
One magazine, rapid fire, head shots, with the last shot to the heart.
I'm not too bad with center mass or the head shots . . . but I apparently have no idea of the location of the heart.
Rants about guns in the US will be read, and probably promptly ignored.
Gun ownership is now so illegal in the UK that the only people who own them are criminals. Personally, I have more respect for weapons as a trained marksman.
p.s. Foxhunting is all but illegal here now too.
. . . the only people who own them are criminals.
Hmmmm, that sounds strangely like an NRA poster. :o)
Many states in the US now issue concealed carry permits on a "must issue" basis. That is, if you pass muster (no criminal background, etc.) they MUST grant the permit.
Although the liberal side of our government predicted what they called "wild west shootouts," with all these permits, nothing even close to that has happened. The sky did not fall.
Maybe not so strangely, the cities in the US with the highest crime rates are those who virtually ban all handguns - and most other firearms.
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