Saturday, January 01, 2011

New Year's Eve . . .

. . . in Napoli

I did not expect this, so my camerawork sucks. I had to run to the basement, dig up my camera and put in a charged battery, but I believe I caught it at its peak. It's now 12:45, and it's still going on.

The Italians will launch fireworks on just about any special occasion, but I've never seen anything like this.


Unknown said...

That's pretty amazing and I would guess a reasonably high probability of fire.

Jack said...

Unless it's a brush fire, there's not much here to burn. The houses are all stone or block with plaster parging and tile roofs.

Lisa said...

Wow! That's amazing!

Punctuation said...

Heh heh, welcome to European pyromania! You need to skip over to England on 5th November and you'll see more of this.

Happy New Year!!

Jack said...

I'll try to remember, remember.

Chris said...

We had some of that going on out here in the dot. The kids were really excited about it. Having personally fired an AK-47 and several other firearms though, I don't think that all of the explosions here were fireworks. Some of the sounds were very distinctive if you catch my drift.

Lisa said...

Holy cow!

Brennig said...

Many happy returns!